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Scholarships Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the Scholarship Workshop?

A: The scholarship workshop is an information session that interested applicants are strongly encouraged to attend in order to apply for a scholarship. In the session, the application process including key dates and requirements will be discussed, plus tips on submitting an impressive application.

Q: What is the difference between Merit and Equity?

A: In essence, ‘Merit’ means that you have demonstrated educational and extracurricular excellence and these scholarships seek to recognise that. ‘Equity’ means that you have demonstrated educational disadvantage so these scholarships seek to assist you through financial assistance.

Q: I feel like I fit into both Merit and Equity categories. Which one should I apply for?

A: If you’re not sure which category to apply for and feel like you fit into both, it is recommended that you select both ‘merit’ and ‘equity’ via the online application form.

Q: I have only recently commenced my studies. Can I still apply for a scholarship if I have studied less than one semester at the time of application? 

A: The scholarship application period opens around six-months prior to scholarships being offered. 

International students must have studied at least one semester full-time before scholarships are offered. That means, if you are applying for a scholarship in Semester 2, you can apply in Semester 1, even if you haven’t completed six months at the time of your application. 

Domestic students can apply before or during their studies, as long as they intend to enrol during the semester that the scholarship is offered.

Q: I have a payment plan; can I still apply?

A: Yes, if you have an approved payment plan and are up to date with your instalments you can apply for a scholarship.

Q: I am an International Student; can I submit overseas documents?

A: All documents must be in English and be dated within 3 months of submission. Documents issued in Australia are preferred but if this is not possible, you may submit suitable overseas documents.

Q: My academic transcript does not reflect any grades or results, it just states ‘competent’ - how can I show I have academic excellence?

A: You can ask your teacher or academic referee to comment on your academic performance. This is also where your written response is important and how you can tell the selection committee about your academic standing. You can also submit previous academic records.

Q: I do not have any working experience; how can I submit a resume?

A: Even if you have limited working experience, you can submit a resume and include your personal attributes and skills. Think about your past experiences and any leadership skills you can demonstrate. You can also include volunteer work or any projects you may have worked on in your church, community or classes.

Q: I have received a scholarship from The Sir William Angliss Foundation before, can I still apply?

A: Yes, if you have already received a scholarship in the past, you may apply again as long as you are eligible. As our supporting documents must be dated within 3 months, you will not be able to use any previous documents. 

Q: Will you let me know the outcome, even if I am not successful?

A: Yes, all applicants will be informed about the outcome within one week of relevant semester start date. If you are unsuccessful, we can refer you to our range of support services if you need extra assistance.

Q: I am having issues using the online form, can I submit a hard copy application?

A: Yes, if you cannot complete the online application form, you may submit a hardcopy version. Please send an email to with the subject line Scholarship form request, and a hardcopy version will be sent to you. You can return your completed application to the Student Engagement Office.