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Access & Disability Service

Our free Access & Disability Service provide a wide range of support to students with disabilities, medical conditions and mental health conditions.

We aim to ensure that students have accessible and equal opportunities to participate fully in William Angliss Institute courses, by providing reasonable adjustments to suit individual needs, in accordance with the Disability Standards for Education 2005 and amendments.

Using a person-centred approach, our Access & Disability Service works one-to-one with individuals, as well as liaising with staff, to provide accessible resources and facilities, enabling students to participate fully in their course. The Access & Disability Service aims to empower students to work towards achieving success in their studies.

Students’ privacy and confidentiality is strictly maintained.

Some of the services provided may include:

  • Advice before your course starts
  • Enrolment/interview assistance
  • Individual Access Plans
  • Provision of in-class support (Notetakers/Participant Assistance)
  • Auslan interpreters
  • Adaptive technology
  • Liaising with teachers about your learning needs
  • Modifications to resources, equipment and furniture
  • Alternative assessment arrangements
  • Advocacy

Enquiries are welcome from people with disabilities, their families and friends, their case managers, teachers or staff.

Applying for a course at William Angliss? Information for applicants with access needs

William Angliss Institute is committed to providing equitable access to educational opportunities for students with a diagnosed disability, medical condition or mental health condition.

Applicants or students who require adjustments can contact William Angliss Institute's Access & Disability Service to discuss their support needs.

Literacy and numeracy assessment

All Australian students applying for certificates and diplomas will be required to complete an online literacy and numeracy assessment for government funded courses. Due to the level of independent study required in most courses at William Angliss Institute, minimal assistance can be given to applicants during this assessment.

Transition to Tertiary Study

William Angliss’ Disability Transition service ensures a seamless experience for students with disability navigating the pathway from secondary to tertiary study. Our Disability Transition Officer provides a single point of contact for students, giving support, advice and guidance to students with disability and their families, before, during and after application and enrolment into TAFE education.

Please contact the Access & Disability Service for more information about Transition Support.


Access & Disability Coordinator - Carol Maurici
Phone: 9606 2232
Building C, Level 2, Room C208

Useful Links

Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET)
Disability Standards for Education 2005 (and amendments)